While the boss is away

Good Day Cleveland Comic Lovers! The Big Boss is on vacation this week. His lovely family and he have escaped the country and are enjoying some serious fun in the sun! I will be your host this week and the next; here to let you know all the fun and new stuff happening at Carol and Johns Comic Shop.


Some fun happening for two of our employees this week: Carol and Ben both have articles featured in the FREE Kamm’s Corners Magazine.

KammsMagCarol was featured for her fantastic accomplishments of keeping all of our butts in line and running a local comic shop through some bubbles in the 90s. She successfully (and fully) retired last month.

CArolMagAnd Ben was assigned a full page to guide you through the wild and wonderful experience of playing Pokemon Go through-out Kamm’s Corners and the West Park Neighborhood. Check out the great pics of his Dad catching ‘em all.

BenMagThe issue hits the printer this Friday and will be distributed throughout August. Special thanks to editor Marilyn Osborne for all the support and kind words. Be sure to check it out and support the neighborhood we all know and love (it’s a free zine so that’s not asking a ton 🙂

Here is a link to the whole digital edition of the magazine in case you can’t find a print copy:

COMICS FOR 8-10-16

Comics for the week of August 10th are making a great showing! Marvel is pressing forward with the unprecedented story-line that puts Hawkeye (Clint Barton) on trial for his actions in Civil War #3. The devil is in the details. You knew with a court case on the docket Matt Murdock couldn’t keep himself, or his “partner” Daredevil, too far away. Cool cover by David Mack too.

Accused1DC is making our day with the release of their highly anticipated Rebirth series All-Star Batman. Its written by Scott Snyder.

AllStarBat1He has been tested and found worthy over the last four years by bringing us some of the best Batman stories ever during the New 52 and now he is paired up with some of the best artists in the biz to tell a story that seems like its going to be Dark Knight Returns meets Fear and Loathing. Buckle up. There are some great variant covers for #1 this week too.

AllStarBatJockAllStarBatShalveyAllStarBatVarRomitaWe can all share our heart with the world of small press this week. Our nostalgia meters can kick into overdrive with the 30th anniversary celebration of Jim Henson’s Labyrinth. Its going to feature various stories that we’ve never heard from inside the walls of that imaginary land.

labyrinth30thAlso Jonathan Hickman (East of West, Manhattan Projects, Fantastic Four) is executing another brilliant creator owned idea for image comics. The Black Monday Murders will fully dunk our heads into the new (and aptly named) genre of “crypto-noir.”

BlackMondayGroucho Marx said “Blood is not thicker than money.” I’m sure Hickman must have run across that quote while writing this book. The occult and big business are one in this story about the secret history that formed our society and the blood that was “necessary” to spill while doing it.

PopWWJetWe also have some great new merchandise hitting the table this week. New Pop! Figures, some DC Super Pets plushes (which I find unbearably cute) and a bunch of CLEARANCE graphic novel boxes that the boss put together before he skedaddled, there are a bunch for just a buck.

That’s it for this week CnJ Fans. Enjoy the sunshine. Do yourself a favor and read a comic outside.

Benjamin Joines-Mundy – Signing off.