Venom and Featured New Releases for 8-29-2018
It’s the fifth Wednesday in a month, which means a lot of off the wall stuff to fill the regular publishing void. Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, August 29th, 2018.
With the movie coming up, we’ve been meaning to featured Venom, so that’s how we’re going to start this week. The new ongoing Venom series is great and written by the popular Donny Cates. We have reprints of the first four issues coming in this week, so you can catch up.
The symbiotes have been on earth for a while, and were actually bonded with soldiers in Viet Nam. This week we have the Web of Venom Ve Nam Special, also written by Cates and elaborating on this part of his current storyline.
This week we also have a new Venom five issue mini series, First Host with art by Mark Bagley.
Here’s the latest trailer going around as well!
Other fun stuff this week includes four new DC / Looney Tunes crossover one shots including:
- Catwoman / Tweety and Sylvester
- Harley Quinn / Gossamer
- Lex Luthor / Porky Pig
- Joker/ Daffy Duck
Another fun book this week is Rick and Morty Verse Dungeons and Dragons #1!
Morty wants to learn how to play and Rick’s an expert. Go figure.
If you haven’t been following the Return of Wolverine Mini Series, you can just pick up the Wolverine Dead Ends one shot that comes out this week to catch you up on what happened before his return next month. Written by Death of Wolverine’s Charles Soule!
We’ve got another Jinxworld book from Bendis over at DC this week with the return of Scarlet with a new number one. He’s back with his co cospirator Alex Maleev again too.
Pearl did great last week, and look for Cover #1 coming up soon. DC really let Bendis run wild with his books to get him to write Superman.
Want more? This one was made for me. The Fantastic Four Behold Galactus oversized hardcover.
It’s $50 but it’s got all the classic Galactus stories in an oversized format. Contains FF #48-50, #74-77, #120-123 and #242-244. Talk about stoner eye candy.
Lastly, it’s worth noting that we’re in super back issue processing mode, so the bins will be filling up. Look for more in order 50 cent bins coming out from the excess. This week we put out three boxes of Batman books, a box of Wolverines, two boxes of Spider-Man and an awful box of Marvel’s J-L (the worst three letters in Marvel’s catolog of titles) out in order for only 50 cents each.
That’s it!