Winston World 2020 at CNJComics
It’s that time of year again! Winston World is our annual sale timed to coincide with that other thing that’s going on downtown.

Winston World is incredibly simple.
From Saturday February 29 to Sunday March 8th you will get:
- 50% off all back issues
- 10% off everything else in the shop. (Yes everything.)
We will be setting up at Wizard World this year, so we decided to start the sale a week early so that you can dig through the Silver Age comics for 50% off before we move them to the show on Thurday March 5th. We want you to get first crack at them, so please be sure to come in before the 5th if that’s what you’re into!
If you want to see us at that “other thing’ we’ll be at booth number 330. Stop by and say hi, we’ll likely need the moral support.

We’re actually launching the Wizard World in the tackiest way possible. On Friday February 28th we’ll be going Live on our Facebook site to open up some blind box cat hats, to see what Winston gets to wear during the week.

It’s not like we’re going to jam him into one of the hats on the spot so the APL hunts us down, but to be fair, this is a cat who enjoys a good cosplay.

Honestly, we’re all really hoping for the banana hat.
This Saturday I’ll also be going across town to set up at Lake Erie Ink’s Comicon for Kids, an all day workshop to help kids create their own comics.

They get a great turnout and we’ll be over their handing out free stuff to participants and providing some old school dollar bins for the kids to dig through on their breaks. More info on the here!
Alright, we hope to see you in some capacity or another over the next week, till then, MAKE MINE WINSTON!
Winston World 2020 at CNJComics