COVID-19 and CNJComics Updates
Here’s the latest updates on how we’re handling this week in relation to new comics and the coronavirus.
Yes, we are open, and will be open for new comic day on Wednesday with a full shipment of comics. Please give yourself a pump of hand sanitizer as you enter the shop, we have it by the door. Also give yourself a pump at checkout, we have some there too. We will limit any excessive crowds we have in the shop, if it comes to that. (It likely won’t.) We will also do curbside pick up if you do not feel like entering the shop. Call us from the parking lot (216-252-0606), pull up to curb, we’ll charge your credit card and bring out your books.) We do considering reading material to be an important part of the social distancing process, and we are trying to help ‘flatten the curve’ by minimizing exposure. If you are sick, stay home, we also have delivery and shipping options, just contact us at . Rest assured that the shop is sanitized regularly throughout the day. At this time, we plan on being open our normal hours with a reduced staff. This is how we are managing the situation at this time, but we are absolutely reassessing things daily. Please check our Facebook page for any updates between emails!
Wash those hands America!

As for Free Comic Book Day this year, we are in a holding pattern, but I highly doubt it will happen on May 2nd. This already falls with the the CDC’s recommended eight week ban on gathering of 50 or more people. We will keep you posted, and as a member of the Board of Directors for Comicpro, we are actively trying to get a ruling on this at a distributor level. But ultimately, the decision to do the right thing for our community falls to us, and we will make that decison when the time comes. Rest assured, we’ll do something awesome at some point this year.
Oh hey, we need your help too. Please come in and pick up your file if you can, or make arrangement to pay for it and have it delievered or shipped. If you need to cancel your file due to work issues, just let us know. We get it. Times are going to get a bit tough and we need to keep product moving through the shop to stay viable. If you don’t want to stop in you can call in a credit card, we’ll ring up the purchase and it will be waiting for you when you’re ready to stop in.
So, here are some spotlighted items for this week!
Robin is celebrating his 80th anniversary with a $9.99 100 page Anniversary Issue. Just like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the Flash before this, there will be decades variants you can pick from. Lots of great writers and artist doing stories about all of Batman’s protege’s.

Spider-Woman is back in her own ongoing series, and Marvel says they’re really proud of his one.

More of an action based Spider-Woman series this time around, with lots of fun covers too!
Self quarantined and looking for a good book? It’s time to catch up on the Immortal Hulk, with volume six of the graphic novels out this week.

Al Ewing’s series has totally redefined the character. Very dense read so it will occupy alot of your time!
Finally, Mike Allred is back with a new series from Dark Horse Comics.

“Max is a family man seeking a more interesting life. While conducting a new experiment at work, the fabric of his reality is torn before his eyes, and a robotic figure appears, claiming to be his 277-year-old self. The robot is able to “X-Ray” multiple dimensions and battles a nihilistic entity from another dimension who wants to take all life to its “Pre-Big Bang” status. Max and the robot embark on an interdimensional roadtrip through past and future to take down the “Nihilist” and save the universe!”
Okay everyone, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you get your books. Hang in there, and remember…