Comic Book Heritage Night at Great Lakes Brewery

Well, Captain America Day was a huge success. Beyond our wildest thoughts. We gave out 300 comic books, 175 graphic novels and put over 750 people through the shop. We also gave out 500 buttons from Marvel Studios that had the Cap Shield and “made in Cleveland” on them, truly a great piece of memorabilia from the filming. For the record, the film crew from top to bottom treated our shop and efforts with respect, and we thank them for that. We even got to meet Chris Evans ever so briefly.


Here’s the media links to the event. See if you’re in there!
It’s cool to think that through your support we helped turned the tide of support for the Captain America filming in the media, even if just for one day.

Cleveland Comic Book Heritage Night

Date: June 18, 2013
Price Range: $10.00 – $10.00
Great Lakes Brewing Company Tasting Room
2701 Carroll Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44113
Phone: 216-771-4404
To celebrate the release of our Pub Exclusive Truth, Justice, and the American Ale, we’re throwing a super-powered comic book themed party. Join us in honoring Cleveland’s comic book heritage and get a first taste of this “heroically hopped” session beer. We’re even inviting our friends Carol & John’s Comic Book Shop and Rust Belt Monster Collective.
Your $10 ticket includes light appetizers, and grants you access to:
The release of our Pub Exclusive Truth, Justice, and the American Ale (this beer won’t be available on tap in the Brewpub until June 19)
We’ve been looking for cool events around town to add our support to, and this one absolutely fits the bill. Let’s summerier in our own terms. You get to preview a beer who’s name skirts legality with “Truth, Justice and the American” ale, you get access to Sketch Covers by the Rust Belt Monster collective (these fine individuals were the core of the group that landed us so much support during the Free Comic Book Day Midnight Party. Couldn’t get a sketch from them then? Try now!) , and the chance to pick up cool merchandise from the shop like T-shirts and pub glasses. Joel Warger has been a regular customer at the shop, and we enjoy his company. Plus Carol’s coming out for the night. Plus light apps. Oh yeah, beer. What a great way to spend what is undoubtedly the worst day of the week. I’ll even be down there with a buzz on rambling on about why I love Man of Steel so much. So please show up and help support Great Lakes Brewery as the show their appreciation of our hobby. I consider them true asset to Cleveland and it’s an honor to be associated with them in any way.
Here’s an original piece of Flash Gordon Great Lakes Brewery art from Erin Schechtman of the Rust Belt Monster Collective! She’ll be there!
As far as new comic book day this week, it’s a very heavy Marvel Core title week, with new releases including Age of Ultron #10, Avengers #14, Fantastic Four #9, Indestructible Hulk #9, New Avengers #7, Superior Spider Man #12, Ultimate Comics Spider Man #24, Uncanny Avenegers #9, along with Saga graphic novel #2 and lots of other DC and small press titles.
Oh Yeah! We’ll also get lots of copies of Captain America The Winter Soldier Complete Collection. We dropped the ball by not having lots of these in stock for Captain America Day. It’s a really great Ed Brubacker story too. Must read! (And hey, I heard we may be getting some more of those Made in Cleveland Cap pins in the shop this week too!)
And finally! A special happy father’s day to all my dad’s out there! Here’s a picture that NPR took on free comic books day! That about sums it up!