Andrea’s Hellhunter Holiday Picks for 12.26.2024
Merry Christmas Comic Shop Friends! We closed up shop at 5pm on Tuesday, Christmas Eve and remained closed on Wednesday, the 25th for a little holiday and Christmas cheer. This week, new comic book day is moved to Thursday the 26th. Our fan-favorite Facebook live video Christmas Eve Late afternoon so you can go check it and get a look at the new table. We’ll check comments and upload the YouTube video on the 26th. I hope you all got to enjoy a relaxing holiday! The big thing this week is that we crushed last year’s donation total to the Cleveland Food Bank! Thanks to all of you who donated artwork, and all of you who bought raffle tickets, we were able to give them $8717! That creates 26,151 meals! An extra thank you goes out to the large donations from Kamm’s Plaza management, and the crew at NEO-TAC, the North East Ohio Toy and Collectible Club! 50% off back issues will run through the end of the year! Use those gift certificates you got at Christmas to fill in...