Category: Feature

Andrea’s Spectacular Picks for 03.06.2024

Oh, hello Comic Shop Friends! Welcome to March! We have a few things coming up this month: First, John will be set up at the Harper Show at the DoubleTree in Westlake on Sunday, March 10th from 10am to 4pm, so stop out and see him! Second, Ben is still co-hosting the Midnight Rental Secret Screening, so come out to the Grog Shop on Wednesday, March 20th at 8pm for a surprise film! Hopefully, this month’s is better than X-Ray in February. Maybe we’ll get Leprechaun in Space! It’s terrible! Third, Late Nite Comics! Thursday March 21st from 8pm to midnight we’ll be bringing out a ton of dollar stock! Back issues will be 50% off! Will the wall books be on sale? Come out and find out! And make sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4th for Free Comic Book Day! MARVEL COMICS If you read the Original X-Men one-shot, then you know Phoenix had recruited the young X-Men to help stop another time-displaced disaster, and you saw a hint of what’s to come in this Weapon...

Andrea’s Toxic Picks for 02.28.2024

Hi Comic Shop Friends! We’re back from ComicsPro, full of news, ideas, and swag! First, thank you to Raf and John Shearer for keeping things running at the shop while the rest of us were in Pittsburgh! We represented the Short Box King at the charity auction! Second, I want to tell you about what I’m most excited about that was announced. You probably saw most of these online already, but if you didn’t: EC Comics is coming back at Oni! Very excited for another horror anthology, which they’re calling Epitaphs from the Abyss, and they are also doing a sci-fi one called Cruel Universe. The Toxic Avenger is returning to comics from Ahoy! Based on the classic Troma movies and the cartoon series, it will be starting in October. I grabbed a bunch of extra promo posters of Toxie to give away to you! The next one-shot BRZRKR chapter will be a western, written by Jason Aaron! It’s out in June and is called A Faceful of Bullets. You’re going to want to get the Red Band version of...

Andrea’s Blasphemous Picks for 02.21.2024

Hello Comic Shop Friends! It’s a little bit of a weird week for us, because ComicsPro is this week, so John, Ben, Kyle, and I will be in Pittsburgh for that for a few days. Stop out and see Raf on Thursday because he’s covering for us! And John Shearer will be covering Friday as well, so come hang out with him too! Don’t worry, Winston and CJ-90 will be keeping an eye on things. We’re excited to see some of our cohorts from other comic shops, and get the scoop on new stuff from comic publishers. And bring back some exclusives for yinz! Come out to the Grog Shop on Wednesday the 21st at 8pm for the monthly Midnight Rental Secret Screening! It’s a big one! It is: the one-year anniversary show, the post-Valentine’s Day show, Rachel from the Grog Shop’s birthday show, and the return of Lenora’s original co-host, Joe. Ben will be co-hosting like usual, and there will be a tape swap! I picked out three legitimately great movies to trade. Bring a wrapped VHS to swap!...