Andrea’s Feast of Picks for 11.22.2023
Happy Thanksgiving Comic Shop Friends! Let’s start the email off with this banger: We will be closed this Thursday, the 23rd, but rest up because the next day starts our Black Friday Weekend Sale! Yes, all weekend we’ll be running the sale! Starting Friday, the 24th at noon and going through Sunday the 26th you can get all these great discounts: And, the foyer will be filled with boxes and boxes of dollar stock! Buy 100 or more and they become 50 cents each! That’s the best Black Friday deal around! Also, that Sunday is Genghis Con! Ben, Missty, and I will be there from 12 to 5pm with a bunch of posters and comic book freebies, and blank covers for our upcoming Holiday Art Show. Here’s the link, Come check out a ton of great local artists and creators! This year’s Art Show theme is Marvel Vs DC! We have blank covers in the shop for you to create your interpretation of that theme. (You can also grab them from us at Genghis Con!) Art is due back by...