Category: Uncategorized

New Comic Releases for the Week of 6-25-2014

New Comic Releases for the Week of 6-25-2014

Summer is well under way but we’ve got some cool new releases for the week of Wednesday, June 25th! First up is Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr’s debut on Superman #32! This storyline will be John Romita Jr’s first work at DC after over 25 years at Marvel. Geoff Johns is fresh off of Forever Evil and has delivered some great Superman stories in the past. Looks to be an easy winner. There will be some cool variants associated with this book as well.

Back Issue Sale Continues along with New Releases for 6-18-2014

Back Issue Sale Continues along with New Releases for 6-18-2014

We’re pleased to announced that our already successful back issue sale will continue this week! But first, here’s the new releases for the week of Wednesday, June 18th! Here’s at CNJ’s, we know a lot of people like to wait for the graphic novel for big summer crossover events, but we’re also committed to the enjoyment and engagement you get from reading the periodicals as they come out. Reading a series issue to issue is making a comeback, and to ensure that you can catch up on a story in one visit, we’re going to ensure that we have all issues of the major story-lines in stock at all times this summer. Starting with Original Sin #4! ​ Marvel’s murder mystery is a summer highlight, as Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato team up to lay all of Marvel’s secrets out for everyone to see. Who killed the Watcher? We’ll make sure we have issue #0-#2 in stock too!

Summer Back Issue Sale and New Comic Release for 6-11-2014

Summer Back Issue Sale and New Comic Release for 6-11-2014

Not only do we have this week’s featured new releases, we’ve also decided to do a huge week long back issue sale! (If you’ve been waiting to visit the shop from out of town, we’re giving you a reason!)We’ll get to the particular’s of the sale in a minute but first, here’s some new and cool stuff coming out this Wednesday, June 11th. This week mark’s the first part of the new Wolverine epic, “3 Months to Die” in Wolverine issue #8! Starting here and continuing to Wolverine issue #12, it’s the beginning of the end for Wolverine. That’s right! It’s time for another tacky comic book Cliche’! At the very least this issue has Iron Fist and Shang-Chi in it. This whole hullabaloo will culminate in the “Death of Wolverine” mini series coming this September, but it all starts here!