Featured New Releases for 5-29-2019
Alright! We’re back in business after FCBD and we’ve got a huge week full of amazing stuff. (This is likely my favorite week of 2019!) Here’s the Featured New Release coming out this Wednesday, May 29th, 2019! DC Books Batman Last Knight on Earth will be the culmination of all of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s work on Batman! It’s a new three issue DC Black Label mini series, just like Batman Damned. (you know, the one with the…) Batman works his way through a devastated DCU landscape with Joker’s head in tow. They say this is their final Batman story together. $5.99 prestige format. Another much anticipated book is the Superman Leviathan Rising Special! It’s up to Superman’s friends to save him from Leviathan! This will be Matt Fraction’s DC debut with Jimmy Olsen, as well as Greg Rucka’s take on Lois Lane, all wrapped in a story by Brian Bendis. Fraction’s beloved in the industry and Rucka is know for incredibly powerful female characters. Some books are worth the $9.99 price tag. Oversized and prestige format. Two of...