Category: Updates

Andrea’s Pre-Party Picks for 12.18.2024

We’re counting down to Christmas, Comic Shop Friends! We’re counting down to our Holiday events too! The art show is being put together as I write this, and starting Wednesday the 18th, you’ll be able to stop in to check it all out! And start filling those bags with your raffle tickets! We beat our record number of submissions this year, with over 150 covers! We have so many we’ll have two binders full of covers, along with the display wall, full of amazing art, so you’d better check those out too! Extra thanks to Mark Overlow and his art students at Ashland County West Holmes Career Center, They submitted an excellent batch of covers this year! Like every year, we do a basket raffle for the covers, which means each cover is labeled with a number and has a corresponding bag with that number. You throw your tickets in the bags for the covers you’d like to try to win, and we pull the winners at the Holiday Party on the 21st. (You do not need to be...

Holiday Party / Art Show / Fund Raiser / Sale at CNJComics

Here’s all the information on this year’s Holiday Party – Art Show – Charity Fund Raiser for the Greater Cleveland Food Bank! The theme of this year’s art show is “Homage to a Classic Comic Book Cover!” Let’s dig into the Art Show first! We’ve been hosting out Holiday Art Show since 2012, even moving in temporarily online during the pandemic. We consider it to be one of the most important things we do every year, in great part because we couldn’t do it without you and the help we get from our artistic community. Since its inception, we’ve assisted the Greater Cleveland Food Bank in creating over 159,000 meals for those in need during the holidays and beyond. (159,000!!!) The Food Bank has the uncanny ability to turn one dollar into three full meals. Every dollar you put into the system in the art show has a very direct result you can measure and be a part of. Our art show is where local artists (and quite a few from a distance) create custom comic book covers that we...

Andrea’s Creepy Christmas Picks for 12.11.2024

Hi Comic Shop Friends! I’m finishing up this week’s newsletter from home (Feeling unwell, but it’s nothing contagious!) so the only book I was able to read early was the EC Shiver SuspenStories one-shot. That means publisher synopsis filling in the rest, and me falling more behind with reading new books! First thing, there are still some delays with small press titles shipping from Diamond, but we did get a couple week’s worth in last Friday, so Previews are in the shop, and those titles are in your files. Again, we thank you for your patience with this, and hopefully we’ll have more updates from them soon. Onto the fun stuff! There’s still time to pick up a black cover and create your interpretation of a homage to a classic comic book cover! Submissions are due back at the shop by 5pm on Sunday, December 15th, and we’ll have them displayed in the foyer December 18th through the 21st. We’ll have the bags set up for the basket raffle on the 18th, so you can start putting your raffle tickets...