Andrea’s Jumpscare Picks for 02.26.2025
Hi Comic Shop Friends! There have been some cool announcements coming out of ComicsPro this past weekend, and we’ll see what info the guys have now that they’re back! They’ll also be sorting through the exclusives they brought back and we’ll have those out for sale soon! This Thursday! 8pm to midnight! Late Nite Comics! Tons of dollar stock! Grab 100 or more, and they’re only 50 cents each! 50% off all back issues! Including the wall! Pick out a valentine and get free dollar books! Anywhere from 3 to 50 free comics! Who knows what you’ll get, but every card is a winner! MARVEL COMICS Marvel has two One World Under Doom tie-ins this week, and stuff is getting real… In the second of the Fantastic Four OWUD issues, it’s up to “The Dream Team” to find a way to stop Doom. “It’s been a week. …God it’s only been a week.” With Reed holed up in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben takes Sue to New York for a break and to visit She-Hulk....