Tagged: Sale

Andrea’s Cul-De-Sac of Picks for 10.16.2024

Hello, creepy Comic Shop Friends! I hope your October has been full of spooky stuff so far. We have some great horror picks this week following the shop events! This Thursday the 17th is Late Nite Comics! The photo is because John won’t be here, so we’re running the show! All the dollar stock will be 50 cents each! Yes, 50 cents! No qualifiers, so if you only find one book, it’s only 50 cents! Find 100, still only 50 cents each! All back issues, including the wall, will be 50% off! It’s the perfect time to check some stuff off your want lists, and help us make room for more new collections! Then on Saturday the 19th from 11 am to 1 pm stop out and meet Bumblebee! We’ll have free copies of Transformers #1 to hand out, and free prints by Erin Schechtman Caruso with a retro and modern Bumblebee! She’ll be here to sign them, and be sure to check out supergrouphugs.com for more of her art! And Saturday, October 26th is our annual Trick or Read...

Facebook Live Sale #2 on 4-6-2020

Facebook Live Sale #2 on 4-6-2020

Yup, there are no new comics, and there won’t be for a little bit. (Sort of for the best, as we’re shuttered till May 1st anyway) So, what else is going on? We hope you’re taking care of your self and staying safe. That’s the most important thing. If you’re okay, then let’s talk about the shop! Our first Facebook Live Sale was a success on many levels. We sold 90% of the books we listed by the end of the sale, which also included a gallery we posted on Facebook of the books remaining after the live sale. It also felt like hanging out in the shop on a Wednesday. The support from everyone was incredible, and with the sales we are able to keep Ben and Jim around full time with the medical they hopefully do not need for three more weeks. I said it before but it bares repeating, I will not take a salary out of the store until we open again to the public. So this week’s Facebook Live Sale is to pay the rent,...

Featured New Releases for 12-11-2019

Featured New Releases for 12-11-2019

Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, December 11th, 2019! The holiday season kicks into high gear with a pretty big week. We’ve also got the Holiday Party / Art Show / Fund Raiser / Sale about a week and a half away on December 21st! You can jump to all the info on that right here! Alright, here’s the featured new releases for Wednesday, December 11th, 2019! First up, Frank Miller returns to the world of the Dark Knight with The Golden Child One Shot! Set three years after Master Race and detailing Carrie Kelly’s rise into her new role as Batwoman. Rafeal Grampa’s first comic art in over six years too! Superman #18 will be a landmark issue as Clark reveals his identity to the world! Written by native Clevelander Brian Michael Bendis! Yes, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have finally reached a 100th issue! Will the team be able to pull together in time for the finale of City at War? Big $7.99 issue. If you’ve been waiting, the House and Powers of X Deluxe...